
作为研究蚊子的权威, bedbugs 和 other blood-sucking insects, I have authored many scholarly articles on their behavior 和 physiology (see selected publications below). My current focus is on the relationships between larval 和 adult nutrition 和 adult “performance” of 埃及伊蚊 Ae. 蚊 蚊子(一起, these species are the principle global vectors of Dengue, 黄热病, 基孔肯雅病毒和寨卡病毒). 女性, performance is measured by their success in finding 和 successfully taking a reproductive blood meal that is used to develop eggs. For males, performance is measured by their success in finding 和 successfully inseminating females. The work is multifaceted as it involves mosquito rearing, 显微解剖, 笼实验, olfactor/flight-tunnel studies.

Most of my 密歇根州立大学丹佛 research is conducted in an awesome “Mosquito Lab” in the Auraria Science Building where I maintain several different species of mosquitoes. During any given semester I typically have 6-10 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students working in this lab.  They raise mosquitoes 和 perform experiments 和 analyze data. Many Hancock lab students also work in Mosquito Control during the summer. All of them present their novel research findings at local (the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 本科研究 Conference), 区域,/or national scientific conferences. Some have graduated 和 gone on to salaried jobs in Mosquito Control 和 others have gone to graduate/professional school.






我是一个 native to Scottsbluff, Nebraska. 我以B的成绩毕业.S. in both Biology 和 Chemistry from Hastings College (Nebraska) 和 M.S. 和Ph值.D degrees in Medical Entomology from Ohio State University.


I have filmed mosquitos 和 other blood sucking insects all over the world. My close-up footage has been featured on network 和 cable television programs worldwide 和 my documentary series “Mosquito Man” has won significant international awards. 你可以在 mosquitomanfilms.com. Perhaps the best things about my filmmaking is that my students are my crew (even in other countries): they operate cameras, 音响设备, 控制, even serve as researchers 和 “bug wranglers”.


I currently live in 丹佛 with my blues/jazz/soul singer/songwriter wife, Diane Jobe. Outside of my professorial engagements, I play trumpet in the Diane Jobe B和, 翻修一栋1924年的房子, 在落基山脉玩, 和旅行.
